Stock and Custom Designed Greek & Fraternal Emblems & Jewelry
888_897_8003 ​​customcreationsmfg.com
888_897_8003 ​​customcreationsmfg.com

Greek and Fraternal life, yesterday and today.
About Us

Greek and Fraternal
Our company is based on the belief that our customer's needs are of the utmost importance...period. Honesty, Integrity, Experience, and QUALITY!! Our President is committed to meeting those needs and continues to be a hands on representative... giving you total satisfaction. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. No one has more kudos than Custom Creations! Always perfect SATISFACTION and best prices!

Custom Creation's EXPERIENCE and EXPERTISE are well known and references are available to insure new customers of our INTEGRITY.
Our facilities know the importance of consistent quality, fair pricing, and prompt delivery. We have over 40 years experience. Design capabilities, import pricing, and our high quality standards...will insure your sales and growth of your company.

We are not a retailer. We sell at wholesale to licensed retailers. ...Wholesale pricing on our stock merchandise is ONLY available with a Business License and a Re-Sale Tax Certificate. We do not sell to the retail public.
Every aspect of our customer service is to insure we become your vendor of choice!
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best GREEK and FRATERNAL merchandise in the industry.

Shriners horiz
We guarantee our merchandise so you never have to worry. You can count on fast shipping of STOCK MERCHANDISE and FAST delivery on your CUSTOM PRODUCT needs. We accept all major credit cards. CALL US TODAY! YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID!!!
Toll Free: 888-897-8003
Order line: 407-217-8009
Fax: 407-217-5027
8815 Conroy Windermere Road
Unit 201
Orlando, Florida 32835
Copyright © 2017 CUSTOM CREATIONS MFG, LLC. All rights reserved. Your source for custom-made and stock embroidered emblems, metal products and accessories